
Internacional Women’s Health Coalition

Available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Contains information about the coalition’s latest activities. Their library contains legislation on health care reform. There is no search tool for the publications, which are listed by language. Most noteworthy are the resources on child marriage, forced marriage, the rights of girls, and safe, legal abortion. They are not sorted by country or theme.

Centre for Reproductive Rights

Available in English, French and Spanish. Under Resources, the publications section contains reports, maps and papers. Issues include reproductive rights, violations of women’s rights, and abortion and human rights.

The Social Institutions and Gender Index...

Available in English. The navigation strip at the top of the page features: a) About SIGI (the origin and purpose of the initiative); b) 2012 Rankings (a table shows the ranking of 86 non-OECD countries ); c) Data (map shows each country’s discrimination ranking and information about variables and data sources for the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI); d) Build your own SIGI; e) country profiles (SIGI index reports by country; and f) Methodology. Country Profiles offers detailed information on gender inequality in each country. The information is...

Women Citizens of Europe Network

Available in English, French and Spanish. The website features news, campaigns and European Union reports on women’s rights. The menu also features a publications section, with information on gender equality in different countries. There is a keyword search tool.

Centro Antígona

Available in Catalan and Spanish. The website contains extensive documentation on legislation, jurisprudence, women’s rights, associations, research groups, etc, organised by region (Catalunya, Spain, Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania). Sub categories include rights and gender, women and rights, and feminist training and the law. The website features a tool for filtering searches by keyword, author or title.

Women’s Link Worldwide

Available in English and Spanish. The Our Work section contains the organisations different lines of work: International Gender Crimes, Migrant Women Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Intersection Discrimination, Gender Justice Observatory, and Human Trafficking. Each section links to the related projects and reports. The Gender Justice Observatory is a free, online information system which contains analytical summaries and the full judicial decisions that have a significant impact on gender issues.