

Available in English and Russian. Refworld can be searched by keyword and/or by country, which will bring up a series of case studies and academic research papers published both by UNHCR* and other organisations working in the area of the right to asylum The collection includes an extensive range of studies on gender issues associated with asylum processes. There is also specific information on gender-related persecution. Topics include: gender equality and women; orientation and identity (LGBTI); trafficking in persons; protection of civilian population in areas of armed...

UNICEF (Childinfo)

Available in English. In the Publications section, information can be searched by theme, type, and year. Some publications are also available in French and Spanish.

Treaty Body Database

Available in English. Some documents also available in Spanish and French. The website contains a list of United Nations committees. Each one displays a menu of related themes and documents, publications, jurisprudence, etc. Treaties and conventions can also be searched by country.

United Nations Educational, Scientific a...

Available in English, French, Russian, Arabic and Spanish. Each of the items in the dropdown Themes menu contains latest news, events and publications on the particular sub-theme.

United Nations Global Initiative to Figh...

Available in English. The main menu on this website has information on the organisation’s areas of work. The Resource Centre section contains publications, and information about organisations and regional projects. The Governments section links to the national action plans against human trafficking, organised by country. Publications and news updates are also published on the homepage.

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Available in English, Russian, French, Arabic and Spanish. The website contains information on the economic and social situation of each country. The Meetings section links to transcriptions of the Council’s meetings and committees since 2005. The Documentation section includes reports, publications, resolutions and decisions by the Council. The documents are available in English.