
Human Rights First

Available in English. A general site search engine allows you to enter the terms you wish to search for. The organisation’s work can be found under the Campaigns menu and the Topics menu. The list of Topics includes Egypt, Xenophobia, Guantanamo, Human rights defenders, Technology, Due Process, Refugee protection (includes specific information for persons seeking asylum due to sexual orientation and gender identity), Retired military leaders, Syria, torture and LGBT. The organisation publishes an annual report.

Forced Migration online (FMO), Refugee S...

Available in English. The Research Resources menu includes a section on Themes, which provides access to a variety of themes related to forced migration: Women, Statelessness, Sexual Violence, Violence Against Women, Asylum in Europe, Human Smuggling and Trafficking, Internal Displacement, Indigenous Peoples, Return and Reintegration, Youth and others. The Digital Library tab contains documents on different subjects and places related to refugees.

United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UN...

Available in English, French, Russian and Spanish. The website contains UNAIDS publications, campaigns and reports. A search can be done by region or country .

The International Centre for Migration P...

Available in English. The website contains information on the organisation’s activities. In the Publications section is a Library with a large collection of literature and documentation on subjects related to trafficking in human beings and asylum and refugee policies.

Inter-Parliamentary Union Webpage on FGM...

Available in English and French. The website focuses on female genital mutilation, with information divided into different categories: a) What is female genital mutilation?; b) What is the IPU doing to combat female genital mutilation?; c) Legislation and other national provisions on female genital mutilation; d) References on international treaties; and e) ‘Quote-unquote’, a section with direct quotes from international texts. ‘Legislation and other national provisions’ contains a list of almost 100 countries with information grouped by: a) Current status, b) Efforts to...

Yahoo news

Available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and other languages. Website containing general information.