
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

Available in English and Spanish. The Publications section is organised by topic, with a specific category on gender.

Defensoría del Pueblo – Colombia

Available in Spanish. The publications section of this website is divided into internal and external publications. Each of these subsections has a menu of themes including Women, and Interfamily Violence (under internal publications), and Trafficking of Minors (under external publications).

Google news

Available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and other languages. News coverage from sources all over the world.

Human Rights Watch

Available in Arabic, French, English, German, Russian, Spanish and other languages. Recent reports by the organization. In the publications section reports can be filtered by entering two search criteria: issue and country. Includes information on LGBT rights, women’s rights and the rights of domestic workers. In the Issues section, information can be searched by category or sub-category. In the Country section, information can be searched by continent or by a specific country. Different reports are available depending on the language.

European Migration Network

Available in English. The EMN website contains annual reports, studies, news and events on migration, asylum, border control and relevant protection mechanisms. The E-Library section allows users to filter information by single keyword or phrase, or by policy, sub-policy, or document type. Home Affairs issues include Immigration, Asylum, and Organised Crime & Human Trafficking. Each policy can be further broken down into sub-policies. There is also a section with links to other websites, Including the European Migration Network (EMN).

Constitution Finder

Available in English. The website has a search tool for finding the Constitutions of different countries, mostly in the original language, English or French, depending on the country.