
UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gend...

Available in English, French and Spanish. The website contains relevant news about women’s rights. It has a digital library where the public can access publications centring on different issues that affect women around the world.

United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA)

Available in English, French and Spanish. The menu on the left-hand sidebar includes the following issues Reproductive Health, Gender Equality, HIV/AIDS and Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. The Gender Equality section contains information related to gender-motivated discrimination, including gender-based violence and human trafficking); The Women in Emergency Situations section covers sexual violence; Harmful Practices addresses female genital mutilation; there is also a section on Women’s Rights in Internacional Agreements.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French and Russian. The website features an extensive list of health topics which link to projects, initiatives, activities and reports of the WHO. There is also a general website search engine and a list of publications that can be filtered by country and region. The site offers a wealth of information on all aspects of sexual and reproductive health.

United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UN...

Available in English, French, Russian and Spanish. The website contains UNAIDS publications, campaigns and reports. A search can be done by region or country .

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

Available in English and Spanish. The Publications section is organised by topic, with a specific category on gender.

United Nations Office for the Coordinati...

Available in English. The website contains specific information on the humanitarian situation of each country in which there is a United Nations mission. The website includes weekly reports, and data on internal displacement and asylum seekers. Two of the Themes, Gender Equality and Protection, give access to documents on sexual exploitation on the part of humanitarian mission peacekeepers.