
Human Trafficking

Website in English. Publications are organised by country and issue. Most of the information is on East Asia and the Pacific. Each country focuses on specific themes, including sexual exploitation of women and violation of women’s rights. Links to other websites of interest are also posted. The site provides a very useful tool called the ‘Online Conference Center’. The Center is a forum where Non-governmental organisation and other agencies can share reports, information and actions taken against human trafficking.

Centre for Human Rights (Faculty of Law,...

Available in English. The Research tab contains a Gender Unit menu featuring African Commission documents, international documents and downloadable publications in PDF. The Publications tab includes all of the Centre’s reports by year. The website has a general search engine.

IRIN (humanitarian news and analysis, a ...

Available in English, French and Arabic. The website offers news and briefings from the front lines of humanitarian action. It also features the latest reports of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and other UN committees. Information can be searched by country and by region, focusing on Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Themes include children, education, migration, environment, HIV/AIDS, and others.

Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado ...

Available in Spanish. The website contains information on the organisation’s activities and projects, including a section with publications on their activities, and annual reports on the status of refugees in Spain. In the publications section there is a menu with information on countries of origin (go to link). Links are provided to reports produced by the organisation to support applications for asylum. The Projects section contains an International tab with information on GENSEN ( go to link), a project geared to including the gender perspective in the asylum...

Inmigration and refugee board of Canada

Available in English and French. The website offers useful information for foreigners in Canada, including asylum appeals, residency permits, etc. The National Documentation Packages under the Refugee Claims menu have two search tools: a) National Documentation Packages (link), contain a selection of documents on issues that are relevant to the determination of refugee protection claims. They are organised by country. The information is grouped, among other subjects, by General Information and Maps, Human Rights, Political Activities and Organisations, Judiciary, Legal...

CNN (Cable News Network)

Available in English and Spanish. Website containing general information.