
Woman Stats Maps

Available in English. The WomanStats Project is a compilation of information on the status of women in the world. In addition to their database, the website features a Maps/Graphics section with maps that represent the various dimensions of the situation of women worldwide. To use the database, you are required to register for a free account. There are a number of variables organised by a) Women’s Physical Security ; b) Women’s Economic Security; c) Women’s Legal Security; d) Women’s Security in the Community; e) Women’s Security in the Family; f)...

World Health Organization (WHO)

Available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French and Russian. The website features an extensive list of health topics which link to projects, initiatives, activities and reports of the WHO. There is also a general website search engine and a list of publications that can be filtered by country and region. The site offers a wealth of information on all aspects of sexual and reproductive health.

Human Rights Watch

Available in Arabic, French, English, German, Russian, Spanish and other languages. Recent reports by the organization. In the publications section reports can be filtered by entering two search criteria: issue and country. Includes information on LGBT rights, women’s rights and the rights of domestic workers. In the Issues section, information can be searched by category or sub-category. In the Country section, information can be searched by continent or by a specific country. Different reports are available depending on the language.

Centre for Reproductive Rights

Available in English, French and Spanish. Under Resources, the publications section contains reports, maps and papers. Issues include reproductive rights, violations of women’s rights, and abortion and human rights.

The Social Institutions and Gender Index...

Available in English. The navigation strip at the top of the page features: a) About SIGI (the origin and purpose of the initiative); b) 2012 Rankings (a table shows the ranking of 86 non-OECD countries ); c) Data (map shows each country’s discrimination ranking and information about variables and data sources for the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI); d) Build your own SIGI; e) country profiles (SIGI index reports by country; and f) Methodology. Country Profiles offers detailed information on gender inequality in each country. The information is...


Available in Spanish, French, English, Russian, Arabic and other languages. News agency.