
Governance Indicators Database (DATAGOV)

Available in English and Spanish. The website offers governance indicators in Democratic System, Market System, public management That, Rule of Law, and Socioeconomic Indicators. The database returns governance indicators by country or by groups of indicators. Indicators include the participation of women in the labour market and gender equality. The database lets you compare different countries and indicators.

United Nations Office for the Coordinati...

Available in English. The website contains specific information on the humanitarian situation of each country in which there is a United Nations mission. The website includes weekly reports, and data on internal displacement and asylum seekers. Two of the Themes, Gender Equality and Protection, give access to documents on sexual exploitation on the part of humanitarian mission peacekeepers.

International Federation for Human Right...

Website in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and other languages. The Federation’s homepage features latest news and recent reports, with information organised by region and issue. It has a keyword site search engine. Regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe & Central Asia and North Africa & Middle East. Each region contains specific information by country: links to FIDH member organisations in each region, news and specific country reports. Issues: ‘human rights defenders’, international justice, terrorism, death penalty,...

Colectiva Mujer y Salud

Available in Spanish, with automatic Google translations in English, Italian, French and Portuguese versions. The website does not provide a search tool. The Documentation Centre has sections on national legislation, international law, and other publications, with extensive documentation in the area of sexual rights, reproductive rights, violence against women, and gender equality. The publications section under What We Do contains books on gender, abortion and migrant women. The Observatory secion contains relevant research conducted on feminicide. There is also a list...


Available in English and Russian. Refworld can be searched by keyword and/or by country, which will bring up a series of case studies and academic research papers published both by UNHCR* and other organisations working in the area of the right to asylum The collection includes an extensive range of studies on gender issues associated with asylum processes. There is also specific information on gender-related persecution. Topics include: gender equality and women; orientation and identity (LGBTI); trafficking in persons; protection of civilian population in areas of armed...

Yahoo news

Available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and other languages. Website containing general information.