
Periódico Diagonal

Available in Spanish. Website containing general information.

Internacional Center for Research on Wom...

Available in English. The ICRW has an online publications library which includes reports, policy briefs, toolkits, and position papers. The search feature allows to search by title keyword, subject, publication type and year. The centre publishes its own reports and collaborates with other organisations focusing on the situation of women. Among the many subjects are violence against women and child marriage.

Escola de Cultura de Pau (Universidad Au...

Available in English, Spanish and Catalan. The Publications section has a link to the ECP Database on Conflict and Peacebuilding, divided into three categories: Armed Conflicts, Socio-political Crises, and Peace Processes. Each category has a list of countries by region: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Under Socio-political Crises and Peace Processes is a list of countries, each containing a summary and background on the country and issue (population, demographics, human development index, military spending, languages, religion, etc.). The Armed...

UN Women (United Nations Entity for Gend...

Available in English, French and Spanish. The website contains relevant news about women’s rights. It has a digital library where the public can access publications centring on different issues that affect women around the world.

The International Centre for Migration P...

Available in English. The website contains information on the organisation’s activities. In the Publications section is a Library with a large collection of literature and documentation on subjects related to trafficking in human beings and asylum and refugee policies.

Organización para la Seguridad y la Coop...

Available in English. The OSCE website offers information on arms control, conflict prevention and resolution, education, environmental activities, human rights, media freedom and development, minority rights, tolerance and non-discrimination, combating human trafficking, and other issues. Click the Resources tab to access the OSCE library, where materials can be searched by keyword, type of document and theme, including Combating human trafficking and Gender equality. Documents are available in Spanish, French, English, German, Russian and Italian.