
War Child

Available in English. Subjects, including Refugees/Displaced, are listed under the Links and Resources section. Clicking on one of the subjects will bring up associated web links, information, articles and analysis. There is also information about specific regions or countries in the War Child websites of Australia, Canada, Holland, Ireland, UK and US.

United Nations Global Initiative to Figh...

Available in English. The main menu on this website has information on the organisation’s areas of work. The Resource Centre section contains publications, and information about organisations and regional projects. The Governments section links to the national action plans against human trafficking, organised by country. Publications and news updates are also published on the homepage.

Forced Migration Review

Available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish. The magazine has published 45 issues to date, each centring on a specific topic. The issues and topics can be found under ‘FMR online’. Issue 42, on sexual orientation and gender identity and the protection of forced migrants, features over 20 articles related to LGBTI people. In January 2007, Issue 27 was titled ‘Sexual violence, weapon of war, impediment to peace’ and in December 2000, Issue 9 revolved around gender and displacement.

Women’s Refugee Comission

Available in English. Publications are organised by programs and issues. The most outstanding issues are child marriage, adolescent girls, immigration, sexual and reproductive health, migrant rights and justice, women, peace and security, and gender-based violence. Resources include the organisation’s annual reports, reports on humanitarian crises around the world, and periodic updates.

Equipo Nizkor

Available in English, Spanish and French. The website contains the issues in which Equipo Nizkor is involved. The main themes are: Impunity and Human Rights, Human Rights and Peace, Economic and Social Rights, Indigenous Rights, State of Exception, and Civil Liberties. The subtopics under each focus mainly on a particular case or country. The Information section contains all the documentation organised by country and topic, in addition to the most recent documents. The information is generated by the Equipo Nizkor team and other NGOs.

United Nations Educational, Scientific a...

Available in English, French, Russian, Arabic and Spanish. Each of the items in the dropdown Themes menu contains latest news, events and publications on the particular sub-theme.