
Child Soldiers Internacional

Available in English and French. The Publications menu contains the list of books and documents. There is also a search tool to narraow the search by theme, country, type, year of publication and title.

Women’s Link Worldwide

Available in English and Spanish. The Our Work section contains the organisations different lines of work: International Gender Crimes, Migrant Women Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Intersection Discrimination, Gender Justice Observatory, and Human Trafficking. Each section links to the related projects and reports. The Gender Justice Observatory is a free, online information system which contains analytical summaries and the full judicial decisions that have a significant impact on gender issues.

Pikara Magazine

Available in Spanish. This online magazine features articles divided into themes and sub-themes, including health, identity, emotions, sex, culture, art, ecology, solidarity, rights, consumer issues, activism, networks, feminism, the media, memory, stories, interviews and opinion pieces. Many of the articles address such subjects as gender violence, human trafficking, and the LGBTI community. The website has a keyword search engine and a newspaper archive.

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women...

Available in English and Spanish. In addition to events and news, the website contains publications produced by the organisation on human rights and human trafficking relating specifically to sexual exploitation and female Labour. The information is not divided by country.

Woman Stats Maps

Available in English. The WomanStats Project is a compilation of information on the status of women in the world. In addition to their database, the website features a Maps/Graphics section with maps that represent the various dimensions of the situation of women worldwide. To use the database, you are required to register for a free account. There are a number of variables organised by a) Women’s Physical Security ; b) Women’s Economic Security; c) Women’s Legal Security; d) Women’s Security in the Community; e) Women’s Security in the Family; f)...

World Health Organization (WHO)

Available in English, Spanish, Arabic, French and Russian. The website features an extensive list of health topics which link to projects, initiatives, activities and reports of the WHO. There is also a general website search engine and a list of publications that can be filtered by country and region. The site offers a wealth of information on all aspects of sexual and reproductive health.