
Human Rights First

Available in English. A general site search engine allows you to enter the terms you wish to search for. The organisation’s work can be found under the Campaigns menu and the Topics menu. The list of Topics includes Egypt, Xenophobia, Guantanamo, Human rights defenders, Technology, Due Process, Refugee protection (includes specific information for persons seeking asylum due to sexual orientation and gender identity), Retired military leaders, Syria, torture and LGBT. The organisation publishes an annual report.

Colectiu Lambda

Available in Spanish and Valencian. The website contains documents with information on bisexuality, human rights, gender identity, religious matters, AIDS and LGBT, and youth.

Women living Under Muslim Laws

Available in English, French, Arabic and other languages. Contains resources sorted by publication, theme, subthemes in an extensive list of countries and regions. Subjects include lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, child marriage, forced marriage, sexual violence, domestic violence, gender violence, gender equality, women’s rights, female genital mutilation, gender identity, sexual orientation, women human rights defenders, and honour crimes.

Fortress Europe

Available in Italian, Spanish, English, French and other languages. The website has a general search engine and a navigation strip with sections including ‘CIE’, ‘Spagna’, ‘Fortezza’ and ‘Frontex’.

Association for Women’s Rights in ...

Available in English, French and Spanish. The Publications section has a list of journals, handbooks and materials, organised by theme. Subjects include women’s rights gender equality.

Anti-Slavery International

The homepage is available in Spanish, English, Arabic, French and Italian. The rest of the content is available in English only. The Resources section offers information on slavery around the world through reports and publications, exhibitions and campaigns published by the association, a library and anti-slavery videos. The Slavery Today section offers the following subjects: Modern slavery, Bonded labour, Domestic work and slavery, Child slavery, Forced labour, and Slavery and what we buy. The publications include information on sexual exploitation and female genital...