Inter-Parliamentary Union Webpage on FGM Legislation in Different Countries

Available in English and French.
The website focuses on female genital mutilation, with information divided into different categories: a) What is female genital mutilation?; b) What is the IPU doing to combat female genital mutilation?; c) Legislation and other national provisions on female genital mutilation; d) References on international treaties; and e) ‘Quote-unquote’, a section with direct quotes from international texts.
‘Legislation and other national provisions’ contains a list of almost 100 countries with information grouped by: a) Current status, b) Efforts to abolish female genital mutilation, c) Legislation, d) Awareness, e) Operational structure, f) National plan of action; and g) Other information. Not every country has information in all of these categories.


The IPU is an organisation of Parliaments, currently comprising 163 Members and 10 Associate Members. The strategy of this section on female genital mutilation is to collect information on current state legislation and other national provisions dealing directly or indirectly with female genital mutilation.