

Available in English. General information newspaper search engine filtered by country or city and year.

Human Rights House Network

Available in English. Some re-sources are also published in French and Russian. The website contains interesting annual reports with information separated by country. It hosts a directory of resources with links to websites of other organisations active in human rights.

Fortress Europe

Available in Italian, Spanish, English, French and other languages. The website has a general search engine and a navigation strip with sections including ‘CIE’, ‘Spagna’, ‘Fortezza’ and ‘Frontex’.

International Organization for Migration...

Available in English, Spanish and French. Publications, documents and access to certain information are only available in English. The website offers relevant information on the work of the organisation or issues related to human mobility. The Where We Work section has a list of regions and countries, each of which links to the migration profile. The organisation’s various lines of work are grouped under What We Do. One of the areas, ‘Counter-Trafficking’, describes the Counter-Trafficking Module (CTM), the largest global database with primary data on victims of...

Abriendo Mundos

Available in Spanish. The Product menu contains publications, reports, studies, work documents, notebooks and brochure is, some of which are available in English. Themes include Andean migrant women’, and ‘Migrant women – women with rights’.

Hungarian Helsinki Committee

Available in English and Hungarian. The website has a publications section but only a general search engine. It contains up-to-date information on legislation (primarily Hungarian) regarding human rights, asylum and migrants, as well as government documents, legal texts and court cases. GENSEN (see CEAR*) is described as one of the Projects in the Refugees and Migrants section. Additional subsections include Documents and Refugee Law Reader.