
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Available in English, Russian, French, Arabic and Spanish. The website contains information on the economic and social situation of each country. The Meetings section links to transcriptions of the Council’s meetings and committees since 2005. The Documentation section includes reports, publications, resolutions and decisions by the Council. The documents are available in English.

World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT...

Available in Spanish, French and English. Presents information from OMCT network partner organisations The Activities section provides links to pertinent articles. The list of issues includes violence against women. Articles can be searched by region via an interactive world map: clicking on a country will show the collection of articles available.

Colectiu Lambda

Available in Spanish and Valencian. The website contains documents with information on bisexuality, human rights, gender identity, religious matters, AIDS and LGBT, and youth.

Legislation Online

Available in English and en Russian. This website contains information from the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) and the ODIHR (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights). It provides access to constitutions and criminal codes. The site can be searched by topic, including gender, migration, trafficking of human beings, hate crimes, religious freedom, and national human rights institutions.


Available in English. General information newspaper search engine filtered by country or city and year.

Human Rights House Network

Available in English. Some re-sources are also published in French and Russian. The website contains interesting annual reports with information separated by country. It hosts a directory of resources with links to websites of other organisations active in human rights.