
Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice

Available in English, with some publications also in Spanish, French and Arabic and other languages. The website contains a list of downloadable publications on gender issues and sexual violence. It does not support a search tool.

Inter-Parliamentary Union Webpage on FGM...

Available in English and French. The website focuses on female genital mutilation, with information divided into different categories: a) What is female genital mutilation?; b) What is the IPU doing to combat female genital mutilation?; c) Legislation and other national provisions on female genital mutilation; d) References on international treaties; and e) ‘Quote-unquote’, a section with direct quotes from international texts. ‘Legislation and other national provisions’ contains a list of almost 100 countries with information grouped by: a) Current status, b) Efforts to...

CNN (Cable News Network)

Available in English and Spanish. Website containing general information.

Anti-Slavery International

The homepage is available in Spanish, English, Arabic, French and Italian. The rest of the content is available in English only. The Resources section offers information on slavery around the world through reports and publications, exhibitions and campaigns published by the association, a library and anti-slavery videos. The Slavery Today section offers the following subjects: Modern slavery, Bonded labour, Domestic work and slavery, Child slavery, Forced labour, and Slavery and what we buy. The publications include information on sexual exploitation and female genital...

Child Soldiers Internacional

Available in English and French. The Publications menu contains the list of books and documents. There is also a search tool to narraow the search by theme, country, type, year of publication and title.

Women’s Link Worldwide

Available in English and Spanish. The Our Work section contains the organisations different lines of work: International Gender Crimes, Migrant Women Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Intersection Discrimination, Gender Justice Observatory, and Human Trafficking. Each section links to the related projects and reports. The Gender Justice Observatory is a free, online information system which contains analytical summaries and the full judicial decisions that have a significant impact on gender issues.