
European Migration Network

Available in English. The EMN website contains annual reports, studies, news and events on migration, asylum, border control and relevant protection mechanisms. The E-Library section allows users to filter information by single keyword or phrase, or by policy, sub-policy, or document type. Home Affairs issues include Immigration, Asylum, and Organised Crime & Human Trafficking. Each policy can be further broken down into sub-policies. There is also a section with links to other websites, Including the European Migration Network (EMN).

Council of Europe

Available in English, French, German, Italian and Russian. The Human Rights section of this website is further divided into three sections. Protection of Human Rights; b) Promoting Human Rights, focusing on gender equality, violence against women and domestic violence, trafficking in human beings – GRETA, migrants’ rights, combating discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity – LGBT, and others. Each topic links to information, campaigns, treaties and research on each. The Human Trafficking link contains EU country reports; c)...

European Committee for the Prevention of...

Available in English and French. The CPT provides mechanisms for the prevention of torture in the EU Member States, research, as well as diagnostics and annual reports on the situation in each State. CPT delegation’s carryout visits on a periodic basis. All of the documents are available: country reports, CPT public statements and annual general reports. There are also links to documentation of the Council of Europe* and the United Nations.

European Commission Against Racism and I...

Available in English and French. The website contains information on activities, events and reports on all European Union countries.

European Database of Asylum Law (EDAL)

Available in English. EDAL is a database of legislation on asylum in EU countries. Documents can be searched by issue, law, article or country. There are also case summaries on asylum seekers, national court decisions and appeals.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Ri...

Available in English, French and German FRA is the official European Union website which offers mainly legal documentation and information on the institutions, themes, historical archives and libraries of the European Union. The Themes section includes Gender, LGBT, People with disabilities, and Rights of the child. Each theme is then further divided, offering information on events, projects, news, press releases, photo galleries and publications. The Publications section contains general reports and documents on asylum.