
Hungarian Helsinki Committee

Available in English and Hungarian. The website has a publications section but only a general search engine. It contains up-to-date information on legislation (primarily Hungarian) regarding human rights, asylum and migrants, as well as government documents, legal texts and court cases. GENSEN (see CEAR*) is described as one of the Projects in the Refugees and Migrants section. Additional subsections include Documents and Refugee Law Reader.

Reporters Without Borders

Available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, English and other languages. The drop-down navigation menu includes five regions in the world (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe/ExUSSR, and Middle East/North Africa). Each region is then divided by country, with links to cases in which freedom of information has been violated and the associated crimes, plus any relevant news or articles published. The drop-down choices under the Publications tab at the top include Press Freedom Index, Mission Reports, Annual Overviews, Handbooks, and Photo Albums.

Human Trafficking

Website in English. Publications are organised by country and issue. Most of the information is on East Asia and the Pacific. Each country focuses on specific themes, including sexual exploitation of women and violation of women’s rights. Links to other websites of interest are also posted. The site provides a very useful tool called the ‘Online Conference Center’. The Center is a forum where Non-governmental organisation and other agencies can share reports, information and actions taken against human trafficking.

Grupo de Información en Reproducción Ele...

Available in Spanish. The publications menu has extensive information on reproductive rights. The content focuses on Mexican legislation and conditions, but information on other countries is also posted.

Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migr...

Available in English and French. Contains publications dealing with LGBTI refugees. The extensive body of information is organised by country.

Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict

Available in English. The Resources menu offers reports on the situation of children and armed conflict. It contains an extensive list of international law and United Nations Security Council resolutions. Another menu contains a list of countries linking to information about the status of children in that country.