
Escola de Cultura de Pau (Universidad Au...

Available in English, Spanish and Catalan. The Publications section has a link to the ECP Database on Conflict and Peacebuilding, divided into three categories: Armed Conflicts, Socio-political Crises, and Peace Processes. Each category has a list of countries by region: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Under Socio-political Crises and Peace Processes is a list of countries, each containing a summary and background on the country and issue (population, demographics, human development index, military spending, languages, religion, etc.). The Armed...

Forced Migration Review

Available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish. The magazine has published 45 issues to date, each centring on a specific topic. The issues and topics can be found under ‘FMR online’. Issue 42, on sexual orientation and gender identity and the protection of forced migrants, features over 20 articles related to LGBTI people. In January 2007, Issue 27 was titled ‘Sexual violence, weapon of war, impediment to peace’ and in December 2000, Issue 9 revolved around gender and displacement.

The Center for Gender & Refugee Stu...

Available in English. The Search Materials section contains a database on asylum cases, litigation support materials, gender asylum guidelines, and children’s asylum guidelines. The Publications section has articles on different gender related issues. There are also links to other gender asylum resources. The website has a general search engine.

Centre for Human Rights (Faculty of Law,...

Available in English. The Research tab contains a Gender Unit menu featuring African Commission documents, international documents and downloadable publications in PDF. The Publications tab includes all of the Centre’s reports by year. The website has a general search engine.

Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Univers...

Available in Spanish. The Publications tab has a search engine that can be filtered by author, title or theme. The list of themes includes gender, violence against women, migrants, equality and nondiscrimination, and others. The information available is academic, the outcome of research, conferences, seminars, et cetera. There is also an online journal entitled “Género, sexualidades and derechos humanos” featuring contributions from former students of women’s and human rights studies. Each issue focuses on a specific theme.

Inter-American Institute of Human Rights...

Available in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. The Services tab menu includes Editorial and Publications. The catalogue includes a list of IIHR publications, some of which are available in digital format. Printed publications can also be purchased without having to subscribe. Themes include Migrants and Refugees and Women. A keyword search engine is also available.