
Protection Project (Johns Hopkins Univer...

Available in English. In the Resources section, country reports are searchable by region: Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle3 East and North Africa. In the same section, under Partnerships, are links to a network of organisations dealing with human trafficking, including Governments, Intergovernmental Organisations and Civil Society. Resource Sites provides useful tools on trafficking, human rights, labour rights and migration.

Constitution Finder

Available in English. The website has a search tool for finding the Constitutions of different countries, mostly in the original language, English or French, depending on the country.

Hauser Global Law School Program (New Yo...

Available in English. The website contains a list of countries. Each one links to information on the type of government, political organisation and legislation in that country.

Gender Jurisprudence and International C...

Available in English. The Gender Jurisprudence Collections is a database containing judgments and other relevant documents issued by international criminal courts and tribunals. The Jurisprudence Collections section has a search function with three categories: Search Collections, Browse Collections and Search by Keywords.

Escola de Cultura de Pau (Universidad Au...

Available in English, Spanish and Catalan. The Publications section has a link to the ECP Database on Conflict and Peacebuilding, divided into three categories: Armed Conflicts, Socio-political Crises, and Peace Processes. Each category has a list of countries by region: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Under Socio-political Crises and Peace Processes is a list of countries, each containing a summary and background on the country and issue (population, demographics, human development index, military spending, languages, religion, etc.). The Armed...

Forced Migration Review

Available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish. The magazine has published 45 issues to date, each centring on a specific topic. The issues and topics can be found under ‘FMR online’. Issue 42, on sexual orientation and gender identity and the protection of forced migrants, features over 20 articles related to LGBTI people. In January 2007, Issue 27 was titled ‘Sexual violence, weapon of war, impediment to peace’ and in December 2000, Issue 9 revolved around gender and displacement.