
Consortium for Applied Research on Inter...

Available in English and French. The website offers data and analysis on migration in: Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon,, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Palestine, Senegal, Sudan, Syria,Tunisia and Turkey. All are studied as origin, transit and destination countries. Demographic, economic, legal and sociopolitical information is also provided. The search engine in the Publications section can be filtered by theme, country, author or title. The Reports section gives access to publications by country. Migration Profiles offers information on the...

The Female Genital Cutting Education and...

Available in English. The website search tool is not operative, but the information is listed by country. It contains extensive information on female genital mutilation, addressing the situation in different countries, US and international legislation, testimonies, publications, etc. The website stopped posting updated information in 2012.

Return Migration and Development Platfor...

Available in English and French. The Research tab has a map to access information about repatriation persons from Algeria, Mali, Morocco and Tunisia. Field studies, statistics on return migration and agreements on readmission are provided for each country. The Publications tab includes RDP publications and links to external documents based on RDP data. The Projects tab links to two related projects: - Cross-Regional Information System on the Reintegration of Migration in their Countries of Origin (CRIS). go to link An initiative funded by the Swiss Agency for Development...

Centro Antígona

Available in Catalan and Spanish. The website contains extensive documentation on legislation, jurisprudence, women’s rights, associations, research groups, etc, organised by region (Catalunya, Spain, Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania). Sub categories include rights and gender, women and rights, and feminist training and the law. The website features a tool for filtering searches by keyword, author or title.

International Constitutional Law Countri...

Available in English. The website provides material related to constitutional documents and amendments from different countries. The information is organised in three categories: 1) Constitutional Documents – access to complete information by country; 2) Country Information – access to countries with historical information on the constitutional process; 3) Countries without ICL Information. The ICL provides English translations of constitutional documents.

Protection Project (Johns Hopkins Univer...

Available in English. In the Resources section, country reports are searchable by region: Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle3 East and North Africa. In the same section, under Partnerships, are links to a network of organisations dealing with human trafficking, including Governments, Intergovernmental Organisations and Civil Society. Resource Sites provides useful tools on trafficking, human rights, labour rights and migration.